Cityview’s Life Groups are a vital part of our community. They give us a chance to connect and form friendships in smaller groups by talking, learning, and praying with each other. They are a time of peace for many of us in our otherwise busy weeks. Often the group discussion dives deeper into the topic of the previous Sunday’s sermon, but we occasionally take breaks for other types of study. All are welcome. Not all attendees are direct members of the Cityview church community and some do not live in Vancouver. There is no cost to participate.

Image description: Stylized computer generated image of a tree. The trunk is black and the tree canopy/foliage is made up of many gears in a variety of sizes and colours.


Tuesdays online at 10:00 - 11:30 am lead by Daphne (

Tuesdays in person in East Vancouver at 7:30 - 9:00 pm lead by Laura (

Wednesdays online at 8:00 - 9:30 pm lead by Trevor (


Two of our groups meet regularly online using Zoom, but also occasionally meet in person for special activities. Our third group meets together in person regularly at a home in East Vancouver.

Already part of a group? Check your email and/or the WhasApp group for the online link each week.

Want to join a group? Email the group leader to start receiving the weekly Zoom link.

Wish there was a group meeting at a different time? Other questions? Contact Daphne.


Study during the fall of 2024 will complement the sermon series on the book of 1 John.

During the fall of 2023, all three groups worked through studies to complement the current sermon series on Knowing the Heart of the Father based on the bible book of Isaiah.

In the spring of 2023, we worked through a 10 week video series led by Francis Chan on the Gospel of Mark.

During the Winter/Spring of 2022 we dove deeper into the book of Acts together as a complement to the sermon series.

During the Fall of 2020 and Winter of 2021 we worked our way through the Sanctuary Course on mental health and the Gospel in Life Bible study.

During Fall of 2021 we hosted an Alpha course.