Welcome to OpenTable!
Image description: Line drawing of the Cityview church building in black against a white background. The text reads “OpenTable: church over a meal and includes the address of this website.
OpenTable is a community that offers hope and friendship for all, including those struggling with housing and food security, finances, addiction, mental and physical health challenges, as well as brokenness from the world. We praise God for the amazing privilege to serve this neighbourhood and this city for the past 27 years!
Thursday Lunch:
OpenTable is centered around a gathering every Thursday at 12pm (noon) that provides a safe place to enjoy a warm and nourishing meal. It has been described as “church over a meal”. Before the meal, spiritual food is provided through a short message, bible reading, and prayer.
Meals are served either indoors or outdoors, depending on the weather.
Neighbourhood Projects:
Two or three times per month, OpenTable guests are invited to participate in various hands-on projects such as installations, repairs, lawn-care, cooking, grocery shopping, cleaning and more.
Compassion Child Sponsors:
Many OpenTable guests want to share the love of Jesus and their resources with others in need. To that end, they currently sponsor 2 children through Compassion International.
OpenTable is thankful for the small group of volunteers who contribute their time and talents to prepare the weekly meals and to foster the caring community. Volunteers consist of OpenTable guests, Cityview Church members, neighbours, friends, and members of a local garden club. Volunteers share a common dedicating to showing love and care towards others.
There is a current need for new volunteers to help with:
- food preparation
- kitchen cleanup
- serving meals
- praying with/for guests
- receiving and sorting donations
- grocery shopping
If you want to be a part of serving this wonderful community, visit us Thursday at noon and contact Jeff to join the team!
Gifts to financially support the work and ministry of OpenTable can be made here through PayPal. Choose “OpenTable” from the drop-down menu on the donation page. Please also see our Giving page for other ways to give and for information about tax receipts.
We are grateful to our partners who generously provide funding, training, encouragement for our staff and food donations.
OpenTable would like to thank the Canadian National Baptist Convention for its generous support of our evangelism efforts in 2022.
OpenTable would like to thank the Union Gospel Mission for the wonderful resources and staff available to us as we build a safe community and seek to walk alongside people.