Image description: Computer generated drawing of a gold, black, red, and blue butterfly in front of a golden background.
Week of Prayer GuideS
Weeks of prayer are a significant time of peace, individual and collective growth, and spiritual renewal at Cityview. The Prayer Guides from past weeks of prayer are below. Please feel free to use them during your own prayer time.
Image description: photograph of the word “more” spray painted in white letters with black outline.
Exploring Cityview’s word for 2023
The Cityview Word of the Year is MORE! It’s a bold word, but one that I believe God is calling us to embrace in 2023. God wants us to ask for more of Jesus. - Trevor
Watch this Sunday service introducing the word for 2023.
Listen to this worship song on the theme.
Image description: Painting with a background of greens and blues. A handpainted word in black reads “faith.” Artist: Laura L.
Practical Suggestions for Biblical Meditative Practice
There are many ways to enter into Biblical meditative practice! Here are a few suggestions. You can try a different one each day, use the same one everyday, or use something else that works for you.