Image description: building with a sign that reads “Gone Fishing.”
August at Cityview is a time for rest and relaxation. So today, we are doing just that, resting. A couple of us probably actually have gone fishing, many are camping or hiking, our resident artists are probably sitting in the shade creating something beautiful. You get the idea.
We’ll be back live in-person and on YouTube next week with the final installment of the Songs from Afar series.
Suggestions for Sunday Service alternatives from the back catalogue:
Feeling grateful? Celebrate with Kevin and Lalpi here.
Facing uncertainty and change? Try this.
Grieving? Seek some comfort in the Lord with this Blue Christmas service.
Ready to learn? Revisit the Exodus series.
Or drop-in to one of our neighboring churches and meet some new people! But, you know, come back next week because we’ll miss you!